Recover for Men - 1 Year Access

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Recover For Men is an online video series that includes all of the tools you need to end pornography use once and for all. In it, we lead men through our Sexual Sobriety Map: a clear explanation of the recovery process as we move from “unwanted sexual behavior” to the life God has planned for us.

Seize this opportunity to move through and past the places that keep you from experiencing the fullness of life and love. At the end of the day, your progress is your decision, and whether it’s pornography, masturbation or another vice that entangles you, this video series is a tool that will help you experience freedom in your life, intimacy in your relationships, and the confidence needed to move forward and build the marriage you always wanted.

Included with your purchase:

  • Recover for Men Video Series
  • The Recover for Men Downloadable Workbook
  • Pure Eyes eBook
  • 1 Year of X3watch
  • 1 Month of Small Groups Online
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Recover for Men - 1 Year Access

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